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End of Primary and Starting Secondary School


It’s seven years since I wrote a post about my twins starting infant school and my eldest moving to the juniors. Today I’ve returned from the leavers’ assembly for those same twins. That’s it; primary school is over for us and all three will be at secondary school come September.

End of an era

I’ve completed my last school run, which feels very strange and rather sad. I actually enjoy the school run. In the morning it’s our chance to have a chat about anything and everything. As I work from home, I love the simple act of saying good morning to lots of people in person as opposed to on screen. In the afternoon it gives me a golden opportunity to talk to them both about their day. Also, how will I ever get my 10,000 steps in now!?

There have been a lot of goodbyes. The girls have said farewell to friends that are going to different schools. I’ve realised that there are so many people that I simply won’t see any more by virtue of the fact I won’t be doing the school run.

It’s goodbye to things like nativity plays, special assemblies and book looks. There’ll be no more invites to see their school year netball team play. I will miss all of these things. Then there’s no more Sports Days. Although, is it bad that I’m not devastated by this one 😬?

I’m looking forward to not having random dress up days, not having to cobble stuff together for World Book Day and the stream of last minute events that seem to pop up. However, I dare say, I might miss them a little when they’ve gone. I’m also sad that they’ve outgrown things like the Summer Reading Challenge, which has been a holiday staple in our household for many, many years (details of this year’s can be found here).  

Whilst they are sad to leave they are looking forward to the next chapter, and in the last few months it’s felt like they’ve been outgrowing the school. 

What secondary school means for us

They’re going from a school with 360 pupils to one with well over 1000, which will be a bit of a culture shock. There is also quite a leap up in independence at secondary school; information is no longer spoon fed and details of many things are communicated directly to the students without the safety net of a parent email. They’ll need to take more responsibility and will certainly have to improve on their listening skills! I think the increase in workload will be another shock for them.

Whilst they’ve been at primary school I’ve been very hands on; secondary school is a different kettle of fish. I will have to get used to not being involved in the minutiae of daily school life. By the way, when did I become old enough to have three secondary school-aged children? 🤯 

The transition

There have been some good transition events run by their new school. These enabled them to get a feel for the school and meet their teachers and new classmates. I’m sure this will help make the whole process less daunting come September.

It’s the end of an era and the start of an exciting new journey. It’ll be a time of adjustment and growth for all of us, but I’m sure they’ll love it. Time will tell if I love the transition as much.

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About Author

I’m Fran: wife, mother-of-three and freelance publicist. My love for communicating and writing mirrors my passion for trying to be the best mum I can be. I love good food & wine, Italian culture and football and have a keen interest in personal finance. I also blog over on Epsom & Ewell Families and Habyts, and write sporadically for a number of other sites.

1 Comment

  1. Time passes so quickly and they grow up too fast.
    I am sure they will settle into a new way of education.
    Might be a shock to start with but they have each other to help one another.
    Have fun during the next 6 weeks.

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