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Starting School: Part 2


We’ve just been to the school uniform shop to buy new uniform times three. Sofia is starting junior school in September and Maria and Gabby are starting at the infant school. I can’t actually believe that it’s three years since I wrote a post about my first born starting school. Now the babies are off as well (they can’t wait!).

My School Fears and Guilt

Once again I’m starting to worry that somehow I haven’t done enough with them during the carefree time and short hours of pre-school. However, I’m mainly feeling a bit guilty that I’m rather looking forward to having all three at school.

I currently cram my freelance work into the hours that M&G are at pre-school. Come September, I won’t be constantly working against the clock. This will be a great relief and good for my sanity. Also, I won’t have to drag them to the supermarket; I’ll have the time to do it when they’re out at school. Doing the food shop solo will be a real luxury (for all of us). I’ll be able to prep dinner so that we’re not rushing about in the evening. I’ll also be able to get more house stuff done without having to neglect anyone. I might finally have time to go to a dental appointment or, shock horror, be able to get my hair cut during the week.

I hope it might make me a calmer mum. Currently most of my time right now is spent feeling really stressed as I rush so that I can get work done and fit everything else in. To give an example, if the girls are walking back slowly after pre-school I’ll cajole them so that I can get back home quicker to check emails etc. Maybe, come September, we’ll be able to stop and smell the flowers more. I envisage that we’ll have more quality time together as I won’t be fussing that I have to do x, y and z in a really narrow window.

Splitting up twins at school

We’ve decided to put M&G in different classes at school. I believe it will provide the opportunity for them to develop independently and find their own paths (read more here: Should twins be separated at school?).

Currently they spend pretty much every waking moment together, so I think it will do them a lot of good emotionally and socially. They know the school very well because of big sis, so I don’t think they’ll find it at all daunting. I also think if they’re in the same class it’s too easy to make comparisons, which is unfair; especially as one seems to be quite a bit more academic than the other. It’s going to be a bit of a logistical nightmare. There’ll be twice as many concert performances to go to and curriculum meetings to attend. I’m also trying not to think about just how many childrens’ parties they’ll be invited to!

I think it’s going to be a bit of an adventure for all of us…

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About Author

I’m Fran: wife, mother-of-three and freelance publicist. My love for communicating and writing mirrors my passion for trying to be the best mum I can be. I love good food & wine, Italian culture and football and have a keen interest in personal finance. I also blog over on Epsom & Ewell Families and Habyts, and write sporadically for a number of other sites.

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