I don’t make resolutions as such, but a new year is always a time for reflection and considering lifestyle improvements.
Here’s what I’m thinking about for 2023…
- Make sure we’ve fun things planned throughout the year. I always feel a bit flat after Christmas and New Year so it helps to have things to look forward to. More meet ups with local friends we haven’t seen in a while and visits to those who live further afield; more weekend day trips, family meet-ups and BBQs are all on the list. Planning a family holiday would also be great!
- Stop sweating the small stuff. I may have said this before, but will keep trying 🙂

3. Figure out what direction I want to move in career-wise. I made a few changes last year and want to build on this in 2023.
4. Stop being distracted by social media and not be afraid to mute WhatsApp chats from time-to-time! I want to cut screen time. This is especially pertinent in 2023 as my youngest two had mobile phones for Christmas – lead by example!
5. Look for more money-saving and making ideas and shop even smarter to save. My daughters have got more into the saving habit and and are rather excited by the 3.5% interest they’re getting. I’ll be encouraging this further in 2023.
6. Doing something for me. I’m interested in wine so last year embarked on a WSET course to learn more on the subject. It was refreshing to do an activity unrelated to family and work. I’ve now been gifted vouchers to do the second level. I’m really nervous about doing it as I know it’ll require more work and time, but I need to get it booked and enjoy!
7. Try to do something with the children individually. It’s difficult to find the time, but on the occasions I have managed, I’ve seen how much they enjoy the one-on-one time.
8. Couple time. Similarly, it would be nice to have some regular evenings out just with my husband.
9. Stop being afraid to say no if I’ve got too much on and on the flip side says yes to things like playdates more often.
10. Improving my fitness. I’m not very fitness-focussed, though I do like to walk. However, I’d like to set aside an hour a week for a specific training session.