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Planning a Christening


We are having a Christening for my twins in late April. They’ll be two-and-a-half by then, so not the most conventional way to do it. Our eldest was 18 months when she was dunked, so we’re obviously a little tardy on these matters.


Silver spoon, Champagne cork and a ‘bigliettino’ from the bomboniere.

As I’m not a regular church goer, it does seem a bit odd that I would want them Baptised. I want them to have a special day, but obviously could opt for a baby naming ceremony. My desire for a Christening is mainly to do with tradition (we’re all Christened in my family); and being half Italian, Baptisms are usually a given. Perhaps it’s because, if I’m honest, I feel a Christening carries more gravitas than a baby naming ceremony. It could also be to do with the fact the church we are having it at is where my mum and dad got married. It’s also where my mum is buried and where my husband Matt and I got married. Whatever the reasons we’re planning…

Christening considerations

When organising Sofia’s Christening, Matt told me that this wasn’t planning a second wedding. Although I wasn’t treating it like that (well maybe just a bit). Whatever, I’m using Sofia’s as the blueprint for the twins’.

First things first, we’ve picked a date and confirmed it with the Reverend. We’ve made the decisions about Godparents, opting for a mix of family members and good friends. We’ve gone for three different Godparents for each twin and my brother as Godparent for both (so four each). All were really happy and honoured to be asked, and that epitomises what I think is important about Christenings.


Our invitations from CocoCards

With the church and key people organised, it’s on to the reception. I don’t fancy the stress of catering for lots of people so we’ve opted for a restaurant and sit down meal, just like last time. Happily, my dad having worked in the industry knows a lot of Italian restaurants. He’s organised all of that along with the wine. Ideal!

With church and reception confirmed, it’s on to the invitations. A Google search heralded great results for beautiful, elegant, personalised stationery.

Christening Dresses

Then my inner girly girl came out and I started getting excited about the twins’ dresses. Last time we found a lovely children’s boutique called Membery’s (run by Sally Membery). We returned and chose two lovely dresses of the same design. We don’t dress the twins identically so Sally suggested sewing a small embroidery detail on each. Maria’s first babygro in the hospital was pink and Gabby’s green so those colours have kind of stuck. Decision made.



Not to be left out, Sofia’s got a new dress too. She is very excited. However, she wants to invite loads of her friends along and seems to have a problem understanding that this isn’t ‘her party.’

Christening Cake and bomboniere

ChristeningNext there’s the Christening cake. My mother-in-law is organising this as a gift. We’re having the above cake from The Fairy Cakery. However, it’ll be without the booties as the girls are long passed that stage.

Then there’s the hunt for bomboniere. It’s Italian tradition to give guests a ‘favour.’ This contains five sugared almonds representing health, wealth, happiness, long life and fertility. I’ve really struggled to find anything like we had for Sofia’s. After hunting high and low, I’ve gone for something completely different in the shape of these lovely ‘sacchettini’ from Le Tue Bomboniere. This shop is run by a mum who hand makes them in Italy.


Butterfly bomboniere from Sofia’s Christening


The sacchettini bomboniere

That’s it – and not a table plan in sight! I’m really looking forward to having a celebration with friends, family and our daughters.

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About Author

I’m Fran: wife, mother-of-three and freelance publicist. My love for communicating and writing mirrors my passion for trying to be the best mum I can be. I love good food & wine, Italian culture and football and have a keen interest in personal finance. I also blog over on Epsom & Ewell Families and Habyts, and write sporadically for a number of other sites.

1 Comment

  1. I enjoyed reading this blog on organizing a Christening. Mike and I are looking forward to the occasion as well. It is always good to have a family gathering.
    We have got to make sure Mike does’nt drive too fast coming down with the cake to be transported.

    We were discussing Christenings the other day and although the christian side comes into it, we feel the main thing is that the Godparents are there for the child, or children, when in life they need guidance other than from the parents. When help and support is needed. If the parents feel that the chosen people can do this then that is all that can be expected.
    I am still a believer that to make these promises in a church in front of a vicar is the right thing to do. My whole family have been christened throughout the generations and am so pleased Fran and Matt have chosen to do this as well.

    I am sure if the girls wish to get married in church it will help them enormously.

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