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Having Twins After Baby Number One


Discovering you are expecting twins/multiples is quite a shock whether you’re a first time parent or not.

If you already have a child, you certainly have the benefit of experience and have more confidence in your parenting abilities. However, the leap from one to three is pretty huge and juggling the demands of a toddler (who can have a tantrum at the drop of a hat and who probably wants entertaining most waking hours) with having not one, but two newborns can be quite challenging.

Twins after baby number one

When the twins came along my eldest daughter (Sofia) was two-and-a-half. It turned out that she dictated a very big part of our schedule, not the newborns. That’s not what I’d expected!

You have to be realistic and a lot more flexible with twins as opposed to a singleton, and with an older sibling on the scene as well, you’re not going to be able to please all of the children all of the time. You’re not always going to be able to do things perfectly.

Having felt that for baby number one I did things to the best standard possible, I struggled a little when I was no longer able to do everything ‘perfectly’ with three. I had to get over that otherwise I’d have gone insane.

There were times when Sofia was a bit bored as I fed one or both twins for the umpteenth time that day or sat hooked up to the breast pump. I didn’t like letting Sofia watch too much TV, but sometimes needs must. I had to learn not to beat myself up about it. Sofia loved her TV time, but we’d always make sure we did something that was specifically for her multiple times a week.

We’d go out to Childrens’ Centres, parks, play dates etc even if the twins hadn’t had their feed or the sleep they needed. I’d feed them when we got there or they could have a sleep en route. I’d have never done this with Sofia; I danced to the beat of her drum. If it was time for her nap we’d leave somewhere a bit early, if she needed a feed we’d leave the house a bit late, if I thought she was a little under the weather we would cancel plans.

Being adaptable with twins

We all had to be adaptable and the twins had to fit in, wherever possible, with the routine we already had. It would have been unfair to expect Sofia to have to cope with everything changing. Far from being detrimental, I think not pandering to the twins’ every whim was actually very good for them and keeping things as similar as possible for Sofia meant that we kept the dreaded green-eyed monster at bay.

Twins with there big sister

It is hard work, but it is fantastic having twins with an older sibling and I was far more relaxed and confident second time around.

Sofia absolutely loves having two little sisters, she knows it’s something special and she continues to receive a lot of attention and fuss because of it. So do I for that matter. If I’d had a pound for every time someone exclaimed: ‘you’ve got your hands full,’ I’d be very rich!

It is amazing to see them all interact. The twins obviously have a special bond, but they really look up to their older sister and as the age gap is relatively small between them and Sofia, they are all natural playmates, which is wonderful. I feel amazingly proud when we are all seen out together.

It’s also been very good for my self-esteem: I’ve survived having a toddler and newborn twins and everyone is always very quick to congratulate me  🙂

Twins plus one

Go to: for more information about having twins and multiples.

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About Author

I’m Fran: wife, mother-of-three and freelance publicist. My love for communicating and writing mirrors my passion for trying to be the best mum I can be. I love good food & wine, Italian culture and football and have a keen interest in personal finance. I also blog over on Epsom & Ewell Families and Habyts, and write sporadically for a number of other sites.


  1. Well done Fran on a good article and bringing up my Grand Daughters the way you have.
    You can have another pound as it must be hard work. I was lucky to have 3 young children spaced out 5 years between them, Matt, the girls Dad being the middle son. He was always the one on the go all the time and terrible at going to bed!!!
    Matt always seemed a happy go lucky sort of child and made friends easily. Now all three sons are adults they get on well when in each others company, which is seldom these days due to them living some miles apart.
    I am hoping my 3 lovely very cheeky Grand Daughters will be the same as they grow up. I am sure the twins will remain close all their lives. It is great when we see them on how they are together and watching them.
    Sofia is a very clever, pretty little girl and knows what she wants and how to get it. I hope she will remain as close to her sisters and remain friends with them as her Daddy is to his brothers and Mummy is with her brother.

    • What lovely comments 🙂 The girls are very close. I wonder what the teenage years will bring…!?

      I was always on the go as a child, and as you say, so was Matt. We never stood a chance with our girls!! 🙂

  2. I was in exactly the same boat as you, my son turned two on the day my twin girls were born. You’re right it’s hard, but you adapt, become flexible and enjoy the time. Lovely post. #Multiplemadness

  3. Katie (@mami2fiveblog) on

    I had my 3rd daughter when the twins were 2 years and 2 weeks old. They have all always been extremely close and played together lovely when they were little (minus the usual sibling spats!) Even at 13 and 11 they are still good friends. Thanks for linking up #MultipleMadness

    • I have to say, my twins adore their big sister and she feels the same about them. Obviously it’s not sunshine and rainbows all the time though 😉

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