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Feeding and Spotting Garden Birds with Children


Feeding birds and observing them from the comfort and warmth of indoors is a great, cheap (no pun intended) entertaining and educational activity for kids.


Sofia was bought a Wildlife World Me and My Birds Wild Bird Feed Making Kit and it is great.

I’ve been fascinated with our feathered friends since I was little as my grandad had an aviary. I was also a member of the RSPB‘s youth branch – so this was right up my street. It’s probably no coincidence that the twins’ third word after ‘mummy’ and ‘daddy’ was ‘bird’.

The kit contains:

 1 x Bright mixing bowl
 2 x Bird cookie shape cutters
 1 x Natural feeding log
 3 x Pastel shade cup cake casts
 1 x Wooden spoon
 1 x Bag of ‘magic mix’
 2 x Coloured ropes
 1 x Wooden perch stick
 Rice paper decorating flowers
 1 x Bag of bird feed mix
 1 x Small pack of fruit and seeds for decoration
 1 x Garden bird feeding and recording book

The instructions are really easy to follow and there is one ‘recipe’ which involves combining the ‘magic mix’ (which looks a bit like powdered custard), water and bird feed mix, and then adding the fruit and seeds. This can be used for three different feeding methods: feeding log, cup cake or cookie shape.

Mixing the ingredients

Mixing the ingredients

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Filling the feeding log

Moulding one of the cookies

Moulding one of the cookies

Leave them to set for 12 hours.

Leave them to set for 12 hours.

It took a few days for the birds to get used to the feeders but once they did we were inundated.

The birds we spotted

We saw robins, blue tits, great tits, greenfinches, sparrows and goldfinches, which were accompanied by the usual ground birds that we get (namely pigeons, wood pigeons, magpies, jays and crows). All three girls were absolutely fascinated. The younger two just loved seeing all the birds, but Sofia (aged four) enjoyed identifying the different breeds.


Sadly this specific kit is no longer available, but similar items are available.

Ashortwalk Eco Recycled Bird Feeder – Bird Cake Kit

My Living World LW105 Window Bird Feeder, Multicolor

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About Author

I’m Fran: wife, mother-of-three and freelance publicist. My love for communicating and writing mirrors my passion for trying to be the best mum I can be. I love good food & wine, Italian culture and football and have a keen interest in personal finance. I also blog over on Epsom & Ewell Families and Habyts, and write sporadically for a number of other sites.


  1. Our birds are well fed here as well. Love watching them outside on the fruit trees. We also have a window feeder which is great. Blackbirds, sparrows, blue tits, etc.
    Very entertaining. Our birds get fed all year long.

    • I only really think about it when there’s not much else out there for them. I think it might take them a while to readjust to the bird table and feeder again! Perhaps it should be an all year round thing for us too.

      I’ve always loved watching the birds.

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