Comments on: Girls, Make-Up and Self-Image Sharing all things lifestyle and parenting Mon, 06 Jan 2020 12:06:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fran Mon, 23 Nov 2015 22:05:14 +0000 In reply to Heidi.

You’re right, I think it is an extension of dressing up. M&G literally raid the dressing up box every day and obviously I don’t have a problem with that. It is experimentation and I suppose it’s like everything else, children try to push the boundaries and we try to rein it back in. The whole beauty treatments thing would really worry me though!!

By: Fran Mon, 23 Nov 2015 22:00:51 +0000 In reply to sonia Weir.

It is really difficult. They are all naturally drawn to it and it’s not something I’ve encouraged. In a sense, I don’t want to stamp on something they enjoy as it’s not like they are doing any real harm. However, I don’t want to get to a stage where they obsess about their appearance. I’m not into make-up now, but I do remember a picture of me – probably aged 3 – with a girls’ vanity set and red lipstick smeared all over my face. Probably is a phase. Now OH is suggesting a Nintendo for Sofia for Christmas. She’d love it, but I think she’s a bit too young. So many dilemmas!!!

By: Heidi Mon, 23 Nov 2015 14:47:11 +0000 I worried as well when my 7yr old developed a fascination for makeup at about aged 3. I stopped worrying quite quickly as left to her own devises she will cover her face with blue and purple and glitter, because she loves the pretty colours. And ‘it looks fab, mummy!!’ It’s an extension of dress up. So like you I set limits of when it’s OK to play and, it’s never ok to play with my expensive stuff! For going out she is allowed tinted lip balm, but I suggest that purple blusher may be a bit much! Even more reassuring was when I had my son, he shows the same fascination at 18 months. It’s all just curiousity and exploration and fun. Saying that, I dont have regular treatments so I wouldn’t be promoting that to her anyway!

By: sonia Weir Mon, 23 Nov 2015 12:21:39 +0000 i know what you mean. Molly loves makeup. We went to toys r us the other day to get ideas for xmas. I asked her what she wanted and she said “every single lip balm in the world” I don’t let her wear any make up apart from lip balm or a bit of kids lips gloss., sometimes nail varnish. It’s trying to find a balance of creative play and teaching them that other things like being a good person etc are more important. I watched a little of programme called “secret lives of 5 year olds” and there was a little girl who wore full eye make up and lipstick and liked to talk to other kids about who they fancied. When the other kids starting playing and being silly she could not join in as I don’t think she knew how to. Very sad. I’m sure you are doing a great job Fran!

By: Jean Collom Fri, 20 Nov 2015 22:00:12 +0000 I must admit they do seem a bit young to be interested in make-up but if they use it as part of “playing” then hopefully it won’t become too serious too quickly.
As you say , Sofia is not allowed to wear eye make-up when going out so she has some limits set already.
I was desperate to own a pair of sparkly high heeled plastic shoes when I was 9 but my Mum flatly refused to let me have them for the obvious reason that I might twist my ankle.
I might have been miffed at the time, and I remember it well, but stick to your guns Fran with your rules on make-up and they might outgrow the obsession.
P.S I have some new rollers for them to use in their hair when here!!!
